Thoraco-lombo-sacral orthosis with molded plate
Chronic chest pain and lumbago, osteoarthritis, compression fracture, osteoporosis, cyphosis
- Cross bands require minimal force and provide exceptional support.
- With padded shoulder straps with Velcro.
- High adherence to treatment by patients.

Hyperextension 3-point support corset
Compression fracture, postoperative, osteoporosis
- Limits lateral bending and rotation of the trunk.
- Relieves pressure on affected vertebrae.

Therapeutic Corset
Lumbar and thoracic fracture, postoperative stabilization, spinal canal stenosis, degenerative diseases
- Limits all movements.

Lumbosacral brace
Acute low back pain, lumbar stenosis, postoperative stabilization, sciatica, degenerative discopathy, herniated disc
- Increases intra-abdominal pressure

Pectus carinatum
- Deformation of the thorax characterized by a protrusion of the sternum (bone of the thorax) and cartilage of the ribs, carene thorax.
- Provides corrective anterior/posterior directed compression.