Fracture of scaphoid, Post plater, Severe injury of thumb
Molded plastic wrist-hand-thumb orthosis: Restricts thumb and wrist movement
Fracture of scaphoid, Post plater, Severe injury of thumb
Molded plastic wrist-hand-thumb orthosis: Restricts thumb and wrist movement
Non-displaced wrist fracture, Removal of an anticipated cast
Molded plastic wrist orthosis: Limit flexion, extension, medial and lateral movement Rigid and lightweight
DeQuervain Tendinitis, Osteoarthritis 1st MCP, Thumb strain, Thumb Dislocation, Fracture of the thumb
Molded Thumb and Thumb Gutter
Wrist and thumb neoprene orthosis with molded plastic plate
Carpal tunnel night splint
Functional resting hand splint
Stroke, trauma and injury as secondary casting post-surgically and can be used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, arthroplasties, burns, and early wrist and finger contractures.
Dynamic resting hand splint